Seattle Indies West Side Social

Feb 12th, 2013 by Matthew Burns

 February 19th 7pm – 1534 1st Ave South, Seattle, Washington

It’s that time again! Come have a drink, share stories and mingle with your fellow Seattle indies!

This month we’re going to try something a little different. Mingling is awesome, but a lot of you have expressed interest in supplementing that experience with a short period of presentations and demos of local games, so we’re going to give it a shot!
Socializing is still the focal point of the event, but we’re going to set aside an hour or so for people to give a few short presentations. We’re looking for 3-5 volunteers who would be willing to present for 5-15 minutes.

Did you make a game jam game recently that you’d like to show off?
Want to publicly debut the game you’re currently work

Save & Closeing on?
Have an interesting experience with a publisher that you think your fellow indies could benefit from?

The format is extremely flexible! If you just want to show your game, that’s great. If you’d like to walk us through your design process in more detail, that’s cool too! Sign-ups are on a first come, first serve basis, in the interest of fairness. If we have more presenters than we can fit in an hour then we’ll start filling up the roster for next month’s meetup.

The other exciting development for this month’s social is that the crew at 17-Bit have graciously offered to let us use their office space for the meetup! It’s a little bit of a trek compared to our usual Capitol Hill haunts, but the venue is spacious, private and comes equipped with a projector that we can use for the presentation segment.

Because we’re not meeting up at a bar or restaurant, this is primarily a BYOB event! I say ‘mostly’ because there will be a leftover keg of PBR that we’ll be tapping, so please remember to bring some cash for a charitable donation if you’re going to be sampling from that.

7:30: ?????

See you all next week!