2D Game in My 3D Engine?! Seattle Unity3D User Group (March 2013)

Mar 1st, 2013 by Matthew Burns
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Want to make 2D games with Unity3D?! No you are not out of your mind. This is one of the most commonly asked questions and we are here to end this discussion once and for all and show you how it can be done!

We’ll have Tony Patino from Recursive Frog and Ryan Nohr from Stone Monkey Studios show us how they are using Unity, with and without plugins, to create their 2D games – Hug Monster (Android) and City Quest (iOS/Andoird tablets)

Hug Monster 2D Tool Kit + nGUI + Virtual Controls Suite

City Quest Custom 2D scripts + editor scripts

Two presentations in one night, what more can you ask for?! 😉

Time: Tuesday, March 26, 2013, 7PM
Location: The Easy
511 Boren Ave N. Suite B Seattle, WA
RSVP: http://www.meetup.com/Seattle-Unity3D/events/106882582/