Seattle Indies Show & Tell – Feb’18 edition

Feb 5th, 2018 by Constance Chen
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Generously hosted by the Living Computer Museum, our Show & Tells are a quarterly fun & low-pressure showcase for games at all stages of development are welcome. Come get feedback on anything from your craziest prototypes to that game you’ve been working on for years!

It’s a new year and a new set of faces and games – as well as some familiar ones – at the Seattle Indies Show & Tell! Despite falling on Super Bowl Sunday this year (sorry to all our football fans!), we still had a strong showing and busy day of game developers demoing their games and checking out others. Good feedback, reactions, and snacks were had by everyone who stopped by. Don’t miss out on the best and brightest up and coming indie games below!

If I missed your game, shoot me an email to let me know – I’d love to correct or add any missing links above!