SIX 2019 exhibitor applications are open!
We have super duper exciting Seattle Indies Expo news for people today! The first one: Applications to Seattle Indies Expo 2019 are now open! Apply here!
For a transparency report of our $6 application fee that we introduced in 2016, you can check out our Facebook post.
We’ll be back at the excellent Emerald Ballroom / 3rd floor of the nearby Motif Hotel for the third year in a row.
We’re also on the lookout for generous new sponsors! We have our 501(c)3 status still, so all donations are tax-deductible. Shoot us an intro email at six@seattleindies.org if you know any companies that might be interested in sponsoring an awesome community event!
We’re also accepting application for jurors and volunteers if you want to help select the games at SIX or just want to help out at the event.
And lastly read about SIX from years past.