Global Game Jam 2017

2017 was Seattle Indies' second year hosting a site for Global Game Jam (a world-wide event where attendees have 48-hour to create a game), and our most put-together yet! Thanks to the indefatigable efforts of our organizers, Tim Cullings, Chad Je...

By Constance Chen

Cool Jams Inc.

Some awesome and enterprising members of our community got together this month and said, "Hey, you know what? We should do a game jam. And it should be so cool... that it's incorporated." Thus was the enthralling (and mostly made up) tale behind ...

By Constance Chen

Ludum Dare 32!

Ludum Dare 32 has come and gone. This time, however, local indie studio AtomJack very generously offered to host a space for indies who wanted to jam together in-person! A final show and tell event was hosted on Monday at 7pm, where the fruits of ...

By Constance Chen