DevFest – Building Apps for Tablets and TVs

Google is sponsoring our first annual GDG Seattle DevFest on Sept 29th and 30th. We’re putting on a major event for up to 200 developers, designers, and entrepreneurs. Dual tracks: Native Android and Mobile Web (HTML/JavaScript). Sat 9-7p | Sun 9-5p Our event features: Pre-event mixer/party Fri 5:30-7:30p @MadronaVenturesPrice: $20 (includes pre-party, and breakfast and lunch on Saturday and Sunday).Talks and labs by expert designers for tablets and Google TV (second-screen scenarios)Hands-on ...

By Matthew Burns

Awesome discounts for Indies @ RAD Game Tools

Local utility developer RAD Game Tools has reached out to Seattle Indies with a special offer - they’re offering steep discounts on their toolsets for indie devs:   RAD Game Tools offers special indie pricing on all our tools—including Binkvideo, the Miles Sound System, Granny 3D Animation Toolkit, Iggy UserInterface and the Telemetry Performance Visualizer.  Contact Nick Beckley at425-893-4300 x105 or for details.    

By Matthew Burns

Substances: Using Procedural Materials with Unity3D – Seattle User Group (Sept 2012)

Update: Allegorithmic has offerred us one collection of Substances for ALL attendees! ($~99 in value) If you haven’t RSVP yet, click Yes now and get ready to rock dynamic materials in your games soon! Update 2: And we’ll have food! Thanks to Mike from Jetstream Software, we’ll have pizza for those of you who show up early enough before they are all gone ;) Update 3: Mixed Dimensions is offering us two licenses of Game Draw as giveaways! With all these tools yo...

By Matthew Burns

IGDA Seattle presents: Valve & Greenlight – a new path to Steam

IGDA Seattle is proud to present Tom Bui from Valve to talk about Steam Greenlight, Valve’s crowd-sourced system for choosing new games. Steam Greenlight is a new platform that enlists the community’s help in selecting some of the next games to be released on Steam. It allows developers and publishers to post information and media about their game in an effort to convince the community that the game should be released on Steam. Greenlight is designed to provide an incredible level of added exposure for ...

By Matthew Burns

Seattle Indies Pre-Pax Party

Sponsored by Bootsnake and hosted at the Raygun Lounge, a great time was had by all. Special thanks to the Bootsnake crew for putting on a great event! Didn’t know about the party?  We publish the late breaking stuff on the Seattle Indies facebook group - find it here:  

By Matthew Burns

It’s time to hack robots. Join Sphero for a weekend of coding and robotic debauchery in Seattle at City Hall! We’re giving out over $12,000 cash to devs as well as a few other surprises. Space is limited, sign up now.This event is for experienced mobile developers and hackers, but beginners are welcome. No biz/marketing/recruiters allowed. Press OK.  RSVP HERE:

By Matthew Burns