East Side Social – November 22nd

The next Seattle Indies meetup is just around the corner! Come party with us on Tuesday, November 22nd at 6-9pm at the Wilde Rover in Kirkland, WA. Grab a drink (or not), bring your builds, and chat the night away with your indie partners in crime. Looking forward to seeing everyone there! /samantha

By Matthew Burns

Seattle Indies at IndieCade 2011!

Big congratulations to Seattle indie studios Heart Shaped Games and Haunted Temple Studios as their respective games Hero Generations and Skulls of the Shogun were selected as finalists for IndieCade 2011! Read more about Hero Generations in our interview with creator Scott Brodie.

By Matthew Burns

Wrap-up: PAX 2011

This past weekend was the Penny Arcade Expo here in Seattle, and Seattle Indies were there! Unfortunately there was no official Seattle Indies booth this year, but we’ll see what happens when PAX 2012 rolls around. Instead, this year was full of recon, networking, and general spywork for most of us. However, we did manage to represent at the show! Up on the sixth floor, Strange Loop Games was showing off the awesome liquid-physics-puzzler Vessel on four playable stations. Despite being liquid based, t...

By Matthew Burns

The Seattle Indie Interview: Dan Cook

Tell us your name and how you got into indie games. My name is Daniel Cook, though most folks know me as ‘Danc’ via my blog Lostgarden.com. I got into indies game back when they were called Shareware in the 90’s. Jason Emery, Alexander Brandon and I released a vertically scrolling shoot’em up called Tyrian though Epic Megagames that is still going strongly today as an open source project. It really was a wonderful period full of new games, new markets and new players. This was the era of the ...

By Matthew Burns

Seattle Indie Success!

Seattle Indies Expo (SIX) had a great turnout! Big thanks to everyone who attended, exhibited, and donated! Extra-special thanks go to Haunted Temple Studios for organizing and hosting the event.

By Matthew Burns

Seattle Indies Expo Next Week!

Our first attempt at a more public-facing event happens next Monday thanks to our gracious hosts and organizers at Haunted Temple Studios (makers of Skulls of the Shogun). Bring your game project with you! Monday July 18, 2011, 7pm-Midnight1534 1st Ave S Seattle, WA 98134 It’s going to be free, we only ask that you RSVP. Please see the full information page here.

By Matthew Burns